The 'boys' talked me into going fishing this morning. I don't know if 'talked me into going fishing' is really as accurate as maybe guilted me into going fishing but..... I went. WAS fun.
LOOK at this SKY!!! I just thought it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
THIS is part of the gift for being up SO early in the morning!
....I'm ALWAYS a SUCKER for these reflection pics- SO, I HAD to include this one! :)
And here's Samuel PATIENTLY waiting for SOMETHING to hit his line!
Actually it wasn't TOO long before he got a hit. They threw the first one back.....too small for their REALLY this was fish #2 but the first 'keeper'. It was only 2 pounds but Samuel wanted to keep it so keep it we did!
And here we have Keeper #2---a five pounder. Joe was happy with him.
They weren't having as good luck as they USUALLY do. I suggested that perhaps it was ME and that maybe I SHOULDN'T go again!!
REALLY I don't mind going........
WHAT I DO mind is having to get up at 4:00 in the morning and sitting on ROCKS! Grrrrr! WHY didn't I think to bring a chair?? Hmmmmmmmm, I dunno. But I can Guar-UN-TEE you I WILL remember NEXT TIME!
I brought a BUNCH of scrapbooking and card making magazines (OF COURSE the NEW! CTMH catty) and looked through them. I brought my camera, OF COURSE, BUT, my batteries were low. I KNEW they were low so got my charger but I couldn't put my hands on the little do-hickie thing that plugs into the car and then you can plug regular plug things into.....It WASN'T in my van and I THOUGHT it was in the truck. Joe couldn't find I had to be picky with WHAT I took-NOT something I LIKE to have to do. Wouldn't you know Joe FOUND the stupid thing as we were packing up to leave?! NO KIDDING!!
THIS would be keeper fish #3. Yes, another small one but at this point I was getting tired of sitting on the rocks, I'd been through ALL my magazines at least once and I was about ready to go home. Samuel wanted to keep this one anyways so...........we kept him.
Then Sammo caught this little 'beauty'....heehee.
This sucker fish kept sneaking out from under a rock by where we were sitting. Samuel and I kept watching him darting out and scaring the itty bitty baby fishes. We moved a couple of feet ANOTHER hard rock....Samuel threw his line in and
Here's a better view of him................................>
Their limit is 2 fish each-I don't have a license so I don't count. We left with only 3 fish today but they just weren't biting and Momma Bear was getting tired. I think Papa Bear was getting tired of no biting fish we on headed home!
WHAT a morning!
I ended up having to send Samuel to his room for not listening after we got home. I've been having issues with him the last few days NOT doing what he's told so off to his room he goes. After about 10 minutes things got REAL quiet so I went to check him.........
POOR guy! He was TUCKERED right OUT!
He's STILL sleeping!! See what an early morning of fishing will do to a little boy!! :)
Well, that was OUR fun for the morning. NOW to get those pictures uploaded to shutterfly!!
Wow! What beautiful photos! I am so glad you are enjoying your vacation!
Gorgeous pictures. Now that is the way to fish! I went to a catfish farm with my family last Saturday and we brought some catfish home for dinner but I would say it's a much nicer atmosphere where you are. I used to live out west and I so miss the mountains. By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comments. I have added you to my favorites as well! Happy vacationing!
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